Film & Video
Below are selection of films that I’ve created and collaborated on. (Other interviews that I’ve produced are here.) My full filmography is here and screening history here.
PHANTOM LIMBS (2015) 2:44
A cameraless film created from animated MRI scans to evoke an enveloping world of light breaking upon the mind. Peering deep into our psychic home, PHANTOM LIMBS engineers a link between inner space and the human spirit. Set to music by Seattle band, St. Kilda.
IMAGINARY FILM (2016) 3:01
TRI-ALOGUE #3 (2017) 2:50
By presenting three filmmakers work simultaneously within a single 16mm frame, Tri-Alogue offers a complexity of perspective that undermines the omniscient cinematic gaze and evokes a deeper relational mystery. This is the 3rd film in a series by Caryn Cline, Linda Fenstermaker and Reed O'Beirne.
DUWAMISH REVEALED [Documentary] (2016) 3:55
DUWAMISH REVEALED June 1 to September 30, 2015 Seattle, WA Conceived and produced by Sarah Kavage and Nicole Kistler In partnership with ECOSS. Funded by ArtPlace, City of Seattle, 4Culture, and Port of Seattle.
Video produced and edited by Reed O'Beirne
SURFACE WAVES (2015) 3:20
A wordless woman rises to confront herself through a dance of self-liberation, evoking a mystical story-line of struggle and release. Original soundtrack by Robin Guthrie.
IT’S LIKE THIS [Sketch] (2013) 9:35
This ‘workshop sketch’ is a small part of a larger dramatic project I’m developing. The larger project is tentatively named “It’s Like This”. The theme of the drama is: the emancipatory possibilities of the fragmented self.
$O$ (2001) 2:48
Though a debt of $206 million remained on the structure, the Seattle Kingdome was demolished by "implosion" on a cheery Sunday morning in March 2000. Over 50,000 tons of concrete and steel came crashing down causing the equivalent of a magnitude 2.3 earthquake. "SOS" documents that morning thru time lapse photography and other experimental film techniques. The destruction was the result of Referendum 48, a ballot initiative backed by $5 million in advertising (the most expensive ballot initiative campaign in WA state history.) The theme for this ad campaign was "Save Our Seahawks" from which came the name for the film. Soundtrack by William Bernhard.
LAST OF OUR KIND (2012) 13:23
Weaving together film, music and poetry, Last of Our Kind transforms the memory of a lost love into a ritualistic incantation of longing. Action is exaggerated and time seems to blur, as the lovers’ tale unfolds poetically into a modern interpretation of the Persephone myth. Shot entirely on super-8, the movie traces a poem, line by line, throughout the city of Seattle in sequences of time-lapse photography blended with live-action that collapse and rearrange time and events into memories. Shot as a silent film, Last of Our Kind features an original soundtrack created by Robin Guthrie (co-founder of the band Cocteau Twins) interwoven with a voiceover recitation of Rick Linville’s poem.
Last of Our Kind won the grand prize for Best Short Film at the 2013 United States Super 8 Film + Digital Video Festival (part of the New Jersey Film Festival).
Critic's Review: Last of our kind refers to the mythical memory of the human being and his tendency to canonize a person who has crossed your life, in order to justify the pain they have caused in their departure. -F.I.L.M.E. Magazine
cancer schmancer (1994) 5:53
full of empty (1999) 3:00
Super-8 film created from newspaper clippings dating from around May 1999. The film was telecined to HD, edited with soundtrack added in June 2014.